Conference 2018
I was invited to talk at the National Association of Youthreach Co-ordinators Conference in the Hudson Bay Hotel in Athlone. The topic of my presentation was TEL. Youthreach holds a very special place in my heart. This year in conjunction with the very enthusiastic CDETB and in particular Crumlin Youthreach centre. Together with Stephen Howell from Microsoft, the group put forward a minor award to QQI (fundamentals of programming) at Level 4, which passed ETB review. Hopefully this award will be ready for use next year.
I decided to deliver a presentation that was not conventional. I started with a picture of my puppy, but continued with my talk how how TEL can be distracting. This follows the "death by powerpoint" principle. I was nervous about this approach, basically trying to show how sometimes TEL can be a distraction more than a help in some cases. From this we explored other methodologies in the classroom and I tried to reduce the intimidation of the idea of coding in youthreach and that it is just for ICT classes.
The conference was a huge success and from the conference I am now giving TEL workshops this year in DETB and CMETB. I am honoured that people value my opinions and experiences. I am so humbled of these amazing opportunities that I have....